Undergraduate Degrees
Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management
In the NATURAL RESOURCES MAJOR, students are provided a balance of general and professional
coursework. The Forestry option is accredited by the Society of American Foresters
and prepares students for managing forest resources. The Wildlife Management and Conservation
option is designed to give students a broad scientific background for management and
perpetuation of wildlife resources. The Geospatial Science option integrates GIS,
Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and remote sensing technology with natural resources
management. The Communications in Natural Resources curriculum provides students a
broad background in communication as well as natural resources management. The Environmental
Science option allows broad flexibility through the individualized selection of environmental
and natural resource management courses.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Resource Management (Forestry Option) - Plan of Study
9 Semester Program
120 Hours
First Semester: 14 Hours
Second Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- CHEM 14043 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 14031 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- NREM 20203 - Human Dimensions in Natural Resources
- General Education Social Science Requirement 3 Hours
- MATH 12003 - Trigonometry
Third Semester: 16 Hours
- NREM 20303 - Soil Science
- General Education Communications Requirement 3 Hours
- General Education History/Political Science Requirement 3 Hours
- NREM 20331 - Soil Science Laboratory
- GEOS 20104 - Introduction to GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing
- NREM 20502 - Dendrology
Sixth Semester: 15 Hours
Eighth Semester: 16 Hours
- NREM 40403 - Natural Resource Policy
- NREM 40503 - Forest Management
- Elective 4 Hours
- Elective 3 Hours
- Elective 3 Hours
Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Resource Management (Wildlife Management and Conservation Option) - Plan of Study
9 Semester Program
124 Hours
First Semester: 14 Hours
- ENGL 10103 - Composition I
- MATH 11003 - College Algebra
- ARHS or MUSC General Education Fine Arts Requirement 3 Hours
- BIOL 20343 - General Botanyand
- BIOL 20341 - General Botany Laboratory
- or
- BIOL 20543 - General Zoologyand
- BIOL 20531 - General Zoology Laboratory
- NREM 10101 - Introduction to Natural Resource Management
Second Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- CHEM 14043 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 14031 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- NREM 20203 - Human Dimensions in Natural Resources
- General Education Social Science Requirement 3 Hours
- MATH 12003 - Trigonometry
Third Semester: 16 Hours
- General Education Communications Requirement 3 Hours
- General Education History/Political Science Requirement 3 Hours
- NREM 20303 - Soil Science
- NREM 20331 - Soil Science Laboratory
- GEOS 20104 - Introduction to GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing
- NREM 20502 - Dendrology
Sixth Semester: 14 Hours
- BIOL 34834 - General Ecology
- NREM 40103 - Natural Resource Economics
- NREM 20342 - Wildlife Conservation and Management
- BIOL 20343 - General Botanyand
- BIOL 20341 - General Botany Laboratory
- or
- BIOL 20543 - General Zoologyand
- BIOL 20531 - General Zoology Laboratory
- NREM 31001 - Methods in Wildlife Conservation and Management
Seventh Semester: 13-17 Hours
Ninth Semester: 11-15 Hours
- NREM 40603 - Natural Resources Practicum
- BIOL 35234 - Ornithology
- or
- BIOL 33934 - Ichthyology
- BIOL 34334 - Regional Flora
- Select -ology course with lab (not previously taken) 4 Hours
Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Resource Management (Geospatial Option) - Plan of Study
9 Semester Program
120 Hours
First Semester: 14 Hours
Second Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- CHEM 14043 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 14031 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- NREM 20203 - Human Dimensions in Natural Resources
- General Education Social Science Requirement 3 Hours
- MATH 12003 - Trigonometry
Third Semester: 16 Hours
- NREM 20303 - Soil Science
- General Education Communications Requirement 3 Hours
- General Education History/Political Science Requirement 3 Hours
- NREM 20331 - Soil Science Laboratory
- GEOS 20104 - Introduction to GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing
- NREM 20502 - Dendrology
Seventh Semester: 12 Hours
Eighth Semester: 15 Hours
- NREM 40403 - Natural Resource Policy
- ISYS 32403 - Introduction to Java Programming
- or
- ISYS 34303 - Introduction to C# Programming
- NREM or SURV 30000+ Level Elective 3 Hours
- Elective 6 Hours
Ninth Semester: 12 Hours
- NREM 40603 - Natural Resources Practicum
- ISYS 46203 - Database Management Systems
- NREM or SURV 30000+ Level Elective 3 Hours
- Elective 3 Hours
Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Resource Management (Communications Option) - Plan of Study
9 Semester Program
120 Hours
First Semester: 14 Hours
Second Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- CHEM 14043 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 14031 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- NREM 20203 - Human Dimensions in Natural Resources
- General Education Social Science Requirement 3 Hours
- MATH 12003 - Trigonometry
Third Semester: 16 Hours
- NREM 20303 - Soil Science
- General Education Communications Requirement 3 Hours
- General Education History/Political Science Requirement 3 Hours
- NREM 20331 - Soil Science Laboratory
- GEOS 20104 - Introduction to GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing
- NREM 20502 - Dendrology
Seventh Semester: 15 Hours
- NREM 30603 - Biometrics in Natural Resources
- Elective 3 Hours
- COMM 20153 - Modern Media Literacy
- COMM Elective (from designated list) 3 Hours
- COMM Elective (from designated list) 3 Hours
Eighth Semester: 15 Hours
- NREM 40403 - Natural Resource Policy
- COMM Elective (from designated list) 3 Hours
- COMM Elective (from designated list) 3 Hours
- Elective 3 Hours
Ninth Semester: 12 Hours
- NREM 40603 - Natural Resources Practicum
- SPCH 46503 - Theories of Human Communication
- COMM Elective (from designated list) 3 Hours
- COMM Elective 3 Hours
Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Resource Management (Environmental Science Option) - Plan of Study
9 Semester Program
120 Hours
First Semester: 14 Hours
- ENGL 10103 - Composition I
- MATH 11003 - College Algebra
- General Education Fine Arts Requirement 3 Hours
- BIOL 20343 - General Botanyand
- BIOL 20341 - General Botany Laboratory
- or
- BIOL 20543 - General Zoologyand
- BIOL 20531 - General Zoology Laboratory
Second Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- CHEM 14043 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 14031 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- NREM 20203 - Human Dimensions in Natural Resources
- General Education Social Science Requirement 3 Hours
- MATH 12003 - Trigonometry
Third Semester: 16 Hours
- NREM 20303 - Soil Science
- General Education Communications Requirement 3 Hours
- General Education History/Political Science Requirement 3 Hours
- NREM 20331 - Soil Science Laboratory
- GEOS 20104 - Introduction to GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing
- NREM 20502 - Dendrology
Sixth Semester: 13-16 Hours
- BIOL 34834 - General Ecology
- NREM 40103 - Natural Resource Economics
- ENSC 34933 - Environmental Science
- Environmental Science Elective (from designated list) 3 Hours
- Elective 3 Hours
Seventh Semester: 15 Hours
- NREM 30603 - Biometrics in Natural Resources
- Environmental Science Elective (from designated list) 3 Hours
- Elective 3 Hours
Eighth Semester: 12-15 Hours
- NREM 40403 - Natural Resource Policy
- ENSC 34933 - Environmental Science
- Environmental Science Elective (from designated list) 3 Hours
- Environmental Science Elective (from designated list) 3 Hours
- Elective 3 Hours
Ninth Semester: 12 Hours
- NREM 40603 - Natural Resources Practicum
- NREM 30803 - Concepts in Watershed Management
- Environmental Science Elective (from designated list) 4 Hours
- Elective 2 Hours
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
In the AGRICULTURE MAJOR, students can choose from four options: Agribusiness, Animal Science, Plant and Soil Science, and General Agriculture. In addition, students desiring to enter veterinary school are provided course work and advising aimed at meeting the requirements of institutions offering a degree in veterinary medicine. The Agribusiness option curriculum provides students with a broad agriculture background applicable across all business fields within the industry. The Animal Science option provides students with a background in animal production, management, and the broad animal industry. The Plant and Soil Science option is designed to provide students with a comprehensive scientific background for sustainable management of crops, soils, and water resources. The General Agriculture option provides an opportunity to combine courses from all options into a customized degree curriculum.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture (Agri-Business Option) - Plan of Study
8 Semester Program
Total Hours 120
Second Semester: 15 Hours
Third Semester: 15 Hours
Seventh Semester: 15 Hours
Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture (Animal Science Option) - Plan of Study
8 Semester Program
Total Hours 120
Second Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- AGRI 10303 - Principles of Field Crops
- BIOL 10043 - Introduction to Biological Science
- BIOL 10031 - Biological Science / Principles of Biology I Lab
- HIST 21103 - American History I
- HIST 21203 - American History II
- or
- PLSC 20003 - American National Government
- PSYC 11003 - Introduction to Psychology
- or
- SOCI 10103 - Introduction to Sociology
Third Semester: 15 Hours
- AGEC 22703 - Agricultural Economics
- ENGL 21103 - Survey of World Literature I
- or
- ENGL 21203 - Survey of World Literature II
- CHEM 14043 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 14031 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- HIST 11103 - World History to 1500
- or
- HIST 11203 - World History Since 1500
- ANSC 22203 - Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
Fourth Semester: 13 Hours
Seventh Semester: 12 Hours
Eighth Semester: 14 Hours
Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture (General Agriculture Option) - Plan of Study
8 Semester Program
Total Hours 120
Third Semester: 16 Hours
- AGEC 22703 - Agricultural Economics
- ENGL 21103 - Survey of World Literature I
- or
- ENGL 21203 - Survey of World Literature II
- CHEM 14043 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 14031 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- HORT 24403 - Principles of Horticulture+
- HIST 11103 - World History to 1500
- or
- HIST 11203 - World History Since 1500
Fifth Semester: 16 Hours
Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture (Plant and Soil Science Option) - Plan of Study
8 Semester Program
Total Hours 120
Second Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- AGRI 10303 - Principles of Field Crops
- BIOL 10043 - Introduction to Biological Science
- BIOL 10031 - Biological Science / Principles of Biology I Lab
- PSYC 11003 - Introduction to Psychology
- or
- SOCI 10103 - Introduction to Sociology
- HIST 21103 - American History I
- HIST 21203 - American History II
- or
- PLSC 20003 - American National Government
Third Semester: 16 Hours
- AGEC 22703 - Agricultural Economics
- ENGL 21103 - Survey of World Literature I
- or
- ENGL 21203 - Survey of World Literature II
- CHEM 14043 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 14031 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- HORT 24403 - Principles of Horticulture
- HIST 11103 - World History to 1500
- or
- HIST 11203 - World History Since 1500
Sixth Semester: 14 Hours
Seventh Semester: 15 Hours
Pre Vet Emphasis [PDF]
Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture (Pre-Vet Option) - Plan of Study
8 Semester Program
Total Hours 131 or 132
First Semester: 17 Hours
Forth Semester: 17 Hours
Fifth Semester: 17 Hours
- General Education Fine Arts 3 Hours
- ANSC 34704 - Beef Production
- ANSC 34103 - Animal Genetics
- CHEM 34074 - Organic Chemistry I
- ANSC 46403 - Diseases of Domestic Animals
Sixth Semester: 16 or 17 Hours
- Animal Science Production Course (Companion, Horse, Sheep) 3 or 4 Hours
- Animal Science Production Course (Companion, Horse, Sheep) 3 or 4 Hours
- ENGL 32553 - Technical Writing and Communication
- CHEM 34174 - Organic Chemistry II
- PSYC 22083 - Statistical Methods
- BUSI 21003 - Business Statistics I
Eighth Semester: 14 Hours
Students are provided course work and advising to meet the entrance requirements of the veterinary school of their choice and may simultaneously complete the requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture under the Animal Science Option.
Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying
The LAND SURVEYING MAJOR prepares students to meet the growing demand for a geo-technology workforce. The program provides students with the tools and education to take the state survey licensure exam and become a professional land surveyor. The first two years of coursework emphasize various aspects of professional education. Surveying licensure is available to Land Surveying graduates.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Land Surveying - Plan of Study
8 Semester Program
120 Hours
First Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10103 - Composition I
- MATH 11003 - College Algebra
- General Education Fine Arts Requirement 3 Hours
- General Education History/Political Science Requirement 3 Hours
- SURV 10101 - Introduction to Surveying
- CPSI 10003 - Microcomputer Applications
Second Semester: 15 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- General Education Social Science Requirement 3 Hours
- MATH 12003 - Trigonometry
- ISYS 22003 - Programming Logic and Design
- SURV 22032 - Coordinate Systems
- SURV 22001 - Cartographic design and Drafting
Fourth Semester: 13-15 Hours
- NREM 30603 - Biometrics in Natural Resources
- General Education Science with Lab Requirement 4 Hours
- General Education Communications Requirement 3 Hours
- MATH 24005 - Calculus I
- or
- MATH 22003 - Compact Calculus
Sixth Semester: 16 Hours
Seventh Semester: 16 Hours
Eighth Semester: 12-14 Hours
- SURV 48804 - Surveying Practicum
- CIS Programming Course (from designated list) 3 Hours
- Elective 5-7 Hours
Associate of Science in Agriculture
The ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE requires 60 semester hours and offers coursework leading to supportive employment opportunities in the agriculture industry. Students completing this degree can use the earned credit toward a Bachelor of Science degree in the Agriculture major.
Associate of Science Degree in Agriculture - Plan of Study
4 Semester Program
First Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10103 - Composition I
- MATH 11003 - College Algebra
- ART or MUS General Education Fine Arts Requirement 3 Hours
- ANSC 10053 - Principles of Animal Science
- AGRI 11001 - Agriculture Orientation
- General Education Communications 3 Hours
Second Semester: 16 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- AGRI 10303 - Principles of Field Crops
- General Education Science with Lab 4 Hours
- General Education Social Science 3 Hours
- Elective 3 Hours**
Third Semester: 15 Hours
- AGEC 22703 - Agricultural Economics
- General Education Social Science 3 Hours
- ENGL 21103 - Survey of World Literature I
- or
- ENGL 21203 - Survey of World Literature II
- Electives 6 Hours*
Forth Semester: 13 Hours
- General Education History/Political Science 3 Hours
- General Education Science with Lab 4 Hours
- Elective 3 Hours*
- Elective 3 Hours**
*Restricted Electives (9hrs): All must be at 10000-level or above. Courses with the following prefixes: AGEC, AGEN, AGRI, AGRO, ANSC, BIOL, CHEM, ENTO, ESCI, HORT, MATH or PHYS.
**Electives (6hrs): All must be at 10000-level or above.
Associate of Science in Land Surveying
The ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN LAND SURVEYING TECHNOLOGY requires 64 semester hours and two academic years for completion. The associate degree includes courses in general education and land surveying. Graduates of the A.S. in Land Surveying Technology have the opportunity to take the state licensure exam, successful completion of the exam enables the student to become a licensed professional land surveyor.
Associate of Science Degree in Land Surveying Technology - Plan of Study
4 Semester Program: 64 Hours
First Semester: 17 Hours
- ENGL 10103 - Composition I
- MATH 11003 - College Algebra
- General Education Fine Arts 3 Hours
- SURV 10101 - Introduction to Surveying
- CPSI 10003 - Microcomputer Applications
Second Semester: 15 Hours
- ENGL 10203 - Composition II
- MATH 12003 - Trigonometry
- SURV 22001 - Cartographic design and Drafting
- SURV 22032 - Coordinate Systems
- General Education History/Political Science 3 Hours
- General Education Communications 3 Hours
Third Semester: 15 Hours
- General Education Social Science 3 Hours
- GEOS 20104 - Introduction to GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing
- SURV 20144 - Boundary Surveying
- SURV 21104 - Plane Surveying
Forth Semester: 17 Hours
- PHYS 10083 - Elements of Physics
- PHYS 10281 - Elements of Physics Laboratory
- or
- PHYS 20143 - College Physics I
- PHYS 20131 - College and University Physics I Laboratory
- ENGL 21103 - Survey of World Literature I
- or
- ENGL 21203 - Survey of World Literature II
- SURV 31533 - Survey Plats and Deeds
- SURV 32604 - Route and Construction Surveying
Associate of Science in Natural Resources Management
The ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT is a credential that students pursuing a baccalaureate in Natural Resources Management earn after completing the first two years of required coursework. With the completion of this A.S. degree, students will have the skills for a range of employment opportunities in natural resources management fields, including positions requiring field sampling, laboratory processing, and data entry and processing.
Associate of Science Degree in Natural Resources Management - Plan of Study
4 Semester Program
First Semester: 13 Hours
Second Semester: 16 Hours
Third Semester: 16 Hours
- General Education Communications 3 Hours
- General Education History/Political Science 3 Hours
- GEOS 20104 - Introduction to GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing
- NREM 20331 - Soil Science Laboratory
- NREM 20303 - Soil Science
- NREM 20502 - Dendrology
Associate of Applied Science in Forest Technology
The ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE IN FOREST TECHNOLOGY requires 60 semester hours and offers coursework that prepares individuals to assist foresters in the management and production of forest resources. Coursework includes instruction in woods and field skills, tree identification, forest measurements, forest propagation and regeneration, forest fire-fighting, resource management, and personnel supervision. For students who wish to further their forest-related education, this AAS degree is designed to closely parallel the first two years of the Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management degree. In addition to providing a pathway for transitioning to a four-year baccalaureate degree, students who begin in the four-year program also may transfer easily to the AAS degree track, if their interests or circumstances warrant.
Associate of Applied Science Degree in Forest Technology - Plan of Study
5 Semester Program
60 Hours
First Semester: 12 Hours
- ENGL 10103 - Composition I
- MATH 11003 - College Algebra
- General Education Communications 3 Hours
- NREM 20502 - Dendrology
- NREM 10101 - Introduction to Natural Resource Management